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The Solution to Divisive Global Tyranny is
Unity Consciousness

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Guest, Corey Goode, The Disclosure Summit 2024, Universal Law

Today I’ll be discussing a compendium

that I published this last Sunday

on the full moon in Aquarius.

Dynamics of the Great Awakening

Discussing three compendiums published

and updated recently:

Questioning Covid Pseudo-Science

August 14, 2021

Discussing two compendiums published

and updated recently:

Discussing two compendiums published

since eight days ago.

Urgent Healing Crisis Worldwide

July 9, 2021 / New Moon

UltraMedics News: Summer Super Sale

July 17, 2021

Discussing two compendiums published

 since the New Moon nine days ago: 

Discussing four compendiums published

 since the Full Moon almost 2 weeks ago:

Countering Ritual Abuse of ‘US’

United Sovereigns of Eart

June 5

Let This Be A Memorial Day!

May 31

The four compendiums I’ll be discussing today:

May 20, 2021

Gregg Braden on Transhumanism 

May 19, 2021

Death by VAX Skyrockets Worldwide

May 17, 2021

Co-Creating a Golden Age Now