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​"Really?" you might be saying.  "You're really going to have a conversation on "Really"? Don't you have better things to talk about?........... really."

"Well, not really.  Ya see, we really are into probing the human condition, looking for what's real and how we'd recognize it when we find it.  Really.

"Ya Think?"

Tuesdays 7 PM, Sundays 8 AM (PDT)

Guess what is tonight's featured phrase of the week? "Ya Think?"

You got it!

The amount of time we spend thinking--ceaseless almost--just think about it?

​​Since so much of our lives is spent in the thought domain, and our thoughts, to a great extent, determine our reality, we thought we'd have a conversation about thinking tonight on our program at 7 PM PDT

What is thinking? How to think better? What's in a thought? Being "thought-full." "Thought Adjuster"

From thinking, to creating an idea, to mass-producing dependence, and to selling a public obsession; the evolution of technology has found its way into our lives in a way never imagined. People have come to a point where they don’t make a move without first consulting their personal smart devices. Our technology is also getting to where we can no longer think for ourselves. Artificial intelligence is waiting for us to waiver our right to make decisions.

This week, Brooke Medicine Eagle will be with us. She's an inspiring spiritual teacher of Native American wisdom, author, singer/song-writer, and healer. She has been on the forefront of New Age thinking blending the time honored Native American ways with the spiritual awakening that has be sweeping the world in the last 25 years. She sees a bigger picture than most, and has an inspiring vision of the future. Be sure and tune in for a higher vision of what the future holds for all of us.

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answer this age-old question about positive thinking may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude towards yourself, and why you're getting what you're getting!. I'll be discussing your attitude and the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive one. Because you are what you think!