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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Akura, psychic medium, consciousness mentor, intuitive artist and Starseed.
Powerful Merkaba Light Body Activation. It’s Time For Your Inner Shift.

Ascension Energy: Lightworkers and Starseeds

1. Channeling information from the Source, Angels, and ETs
2. Experiencing Astral Travel and where?
3. Information for Starseeds & our Mission
4. How to Embody Divine Feminine Healing

Ashli chats with her Goddess SiSTAR Solreta Antaria about the rise of the Divine Feminine, how psychic senses assist in navigating these powerful times of change and the importance of the correlation between food and our Light Body.  Solreta is also a world renowned ET Communicator who has  been featured on Japanese and Italian television.  Solreta shares her insights into the emerging New World of higher frequency and what our Star Brothers and Sisters are communicating regarding the awakening of Humanity.   After the Sh

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra Meadors puts out an urgent alert to all the Ground Crew, no matter what role you play or mission you have, but in particular all who work with grids, portals, and stargates, to take heed of this major call to action.

Here is the message from Jeff as read out by Alexandra:

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - As James travels through Australia he and Peter Maxwell Slattery continue to co-host As You Wish Talk Radio.  Tonight their guest is Barry Littleton - an experiencer from the USA who has interacted with a wide range of beings.  He also has had a near death experience. He has a fascinating story about his experiences, sightings and information from some of the beings he has interacted with that needs to be heard.

As You Wish Talk Radio with Ashli hosting for James Gilliland

Interview with Neil Gaur of