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The space located on the lower left hand column of BBS Radio's website main pages, is for host and podcaster advertisements. Banner must be 200 px wide or less and 300 px high or less. These banners are all hyperlinked to a destination URL (the advertiser or sponsor's website), so when someone presses on the image it takes them to your intended destination (a URL)! It's super cheap and only available to our hosts and podcasters. Call us for pricing and we may create the banner advertisement for free!

You can literally add sponsor and advertiser information to almost any type of content that has a description field and allows for text input. For example, you could add, "This program was brought to you by SPONSOR NAME and SPONSOR LINK" in the "About Episode" field section within your episode content (individual show archive page/podcast episode page). Almost all content with a long description field has copy and paste ability, so you can add content from another website. You can also change fonts, sizes, colors, etc.

Add small and large graphics (banner advertisements) to your show program page and to almost everything else, easily, with hyperlinks to other locations. Sponsors and advertisers will love you for this. You can easily upload images that link to your website, of almost any size, and have them appear on your program page, podcast episode pages, and other locations, as easy as 1, 2, 3! (Upload Graphic Banners and Ads with Hyperlinks!)