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New Reality Solutions with Dr Christina Winsey and Dr Art Emrich

How Do You Thrive in the Face of Crisis and Uncertainty?

When bombs are dropping everywhere, some freeze, some flee, and some panic. When facing this unthinkable reality through three wars in Israel, Eliana Gilad simply remained incredibly calm. Sitting in a chair in Northern Israel, as the bombs descended, she opened deeply to her inner voice and knew peace.

Topic: How to Stop Self-Sabotage through NLP & Parts

-Have you ever said, “Part of me wants to do something, 

  but part of me doesn’t”? 

-Have you ever promised yourself thing like “I am definitely 

  going to start my diet, or change careers, or stop 

  procrastinating,” but then you didn’t do it?.  

Self-sabotage is something we hear from our clients often. We want to help make sure you don’t give up on your due to unconscious self-sabotaging patterns