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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guests, Matthew Lacroix

The secrets of ancient civilizations. The truth about ancient history and the nature of reality

Matthew is an ancient civilizations expert, author, and researcher at Gaia, who’s appeared on Open Minds, Ancient Civilizations, and Beyond Belief, and is currently co-writing his third major book with Billy Carson.

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Vickie Helm

Whenever you deal with people, the dynamics are as interesting and fun as they are challenging and hurtful.  My father once told me, and by the way, this advice came from a man who was married to my mother for 63 years, that one of the secrets to having a long and happy marriage was to choose someone who naturally coincides with the way you are on the part of both the woman and the man.  This is not an easy thing to do in your life, but it worked well for him.  Is there something viable in that kind of advice?  Are the individual natures of how we are so important as to

Show #4 for Encrypted with Loret Love and David Redding, on

Encrypted - Show #3 on BBS Radio every other Wednesday at 9pm PT - midnight ET on Station 1

Encrypted Show #2 with Loret Love and David Redding on BBS Radio!

Loret Love is an author and screenwriter. Check out Loret's new book's webpage: David Redding, Cohost of Encrypted David Redding is a U.S. Air Force veteran, actor and screenwriter. Please check out our wonderful show sponsors!

Rumors, tales and legends...this and more we'll be discussing.  Do governments hide discoveries, fearful people may panic?  Hm,m,m,m,m....well, we'll see what Nick Redfern has discovered and you'll decided for yourself.