Eric A Cinotti Unplugged Insights and Perspectives
Securing the Homeland Personal Responsibility in a Modern World
In this powerful episode of Eric A. Cinotti: Unplugged Insights and Perspectives, Eric is joined by the extraordinary Mike “The Marine” from @JarHeadTactical, a decorated Marine veteran, firearms expert, and tactical gear specialist. Together, they explore the vital role of personal preparedness, the Second Amendment, and how individual action strengthens national security.
Special Guest Mike “The Marine” (@JarHeadTactical)
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden with guests Dr. Brian Joondeph and Taylor Rhodes
Talk about bombshell… Tucker Carlson and Fox part ways. He will be just fine but Fox is doomed. Commentator Dr. Brian Joondeph weighs in.
Plus, a Taylor Rhodes with Rocky Mountain Gun Owners on a huge Second Amendment win at the Colorado Legislature.