Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries
There is only one plan of salvation, there's only one method God has devised and Satan must hide that from you and everything that he is doing all day long is hiding the way, the truth, and the life. There's a certain way that you get into the Kingdom of Heaven - Program 651
Bible News Prophecy with Dr Bob Thiel
Are dead babies saved, lost, or awaiting the resurrection?
Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert
Ep1400 - Great Sin Great Salvation
Truth For Today with Dr. Neal Jackson
The Holy Spirit and Salvation
True love is the keeping of God's commandments. Who are these devils in the Vatican that are telling us to do something anti-Bible, antichrist?
Government people that have been cursed by the Lord, one is Raymond A. Donovan.
Moses the polygamist the servant of God. The nation of Israel the polygamists. Heaven endorses polygamists that are really of the Lord.
The enemy of our souls including the entire Roman Catholic cult world government that is telling people that Your children are cults, that they should come in and investigate You God.
We get people that want to use the church/mission as a crash pad and then we get very sincere people that are receiving the true doctrine of the Lord. The Lord isn't sad over phony's that say they want to go to Heaven but they don't do the works.
People ask how do we get to the throne of God, the Bible tells us that the Lord is in us, in our hearts, so He is sitting on the throne of our hearts if we are really born of the Spirit. Pray always.