ET Yoga with Charles Green
Are there Vampires, Connection with thought and the pyramids, secrets about Romania, techniques to raise consciousness and reality creation
ET Yoga with Charles Green
We Live in a Simulation, a matrix; how was it created, how does it work, how does it relate to reality creation?
ET Yoga with Charles Green
Pleiadian insights on how the body and the universe work, reality creation, and ultimate truths of reality
ET Yoga with Charles Green
Disinformation in the Spiritual Community, Reality Creation and Heart Math Institute cutting edge information.
ET Yoga with Charles Green
To Jab or not to Jab, areas of disinformation, new science from heart and math institute about reality creation
ET Yoga with Charles Green
The concept that believing is seeing, four laws of the universe, reality creation, and world conditions
ET Yoga with Charles Green
Reality Creation, cutting edge covid 19 concepts, and moving into 5 D frequencies
ET Yoga with Charles Gree
Benefits of Sun Gazing, High frequencies of Andara Crystals, Covid virus and Reality Creation
ET Yoga with Charles Green
Coronavirus health tips, Reality Creation and it's affect on health
ET Yoga with Charles Green
Topics: Making a connection between outer reality and health, reality creation and more