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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Now that I'm Awake...HOW do I function in the "real" world?

Ready to THRIVE and empower your Spiritual life in the 9-5 world?  Get ready to manifest! Join Sri & Kira as they explore the role & power of conscious intention in everyday life.  

What role does karma really play in your life’s circumstances?  Did we really choose everything that has happened to us?  How does all this impact our daily lives, the world around us, and this moment in history?  Are we really responsible?

Real World Manifesting ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Think about all the things, people, and situations that you've created in your life. Some you can validate that you created - you graduated from high school, you got into college, you chose that (even if it wasn't the college of your choice, you made it happen).  If you got married, you chose that (even if you chose to get divorced later - and you chose that, too).

It's harder to validate that you chose being born, and you chose the family that you were born into.