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Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Maria Sanchez

Join us for this week in review!

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

We discuss this past week's campaign events as both Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton continue their race to the White House as well as other current events!

Join myself, Maria and Kathleen Gomez as we celebrate MOTHER’S DAY worldwide and talk politics! We’ll look at the latest developments on the race to the White House from a Democratic, Republican and Independent (Kathleen’s) perspective. Will the Republicans attempt to block Trump's nomination at the convention? How serious a threat is Bernie to Hilary's nomination? Stay tuned!

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Senator Michael D. Brown reports from the front lines in Iowa following the Iowa Caucus. He will be calling in to give us a "birds eye view" as the Caucus unfolds. Maria will be in the studio giving us some historical perspective of the Caucus, the Electoral College and its origination. Fascinating history in the making!