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Psychic Vampires, who are they and what do they want? Find out how Psychic Vampires can feed off of your energy without you even knowing it! Sometimes you might feel tired, get a headache, notice aches and pains and it might be from someone draining your energy. Sometimes friends, famiy, neighbors, customers, or other people in your life can drain your energy without realizing they are doing it. Others, might be doing it on purpose! Learn about this topic and how to stop it!

Eve Lorgen goes into great depth about alien interference with abductees and the expansive group of non-abductees who have experienced the "Love Bite".  This has to do with a substitute "twin flame", to divert us off the path of light.  We go into psychic vampirism, trans-diemsnionals, super soldiers, Milabs, Black ops, alien hierarchies, Dr. Corrado Malanga's work on alien types and cloning.  This is a journey way down the rabbit hole, folks, so be prepared!  Eve and I agree that many have had experiences that are shameful or about which fear is generated.