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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Ted Trimpa and Mark Pfoff

Grassroots now dominate State Republican Parties in Colorado and other stats.  RINOs weep and Dem strategist Ted Trimpa… aka Sword of Soros gives his take.  

Plus, law enforcement expert mark Pfoff looks at January 6th from a strictly criminal justice point of view and it’s bad news for prosecutors.

Everything we notice about ourselves and world is about perspective. It is our point of view or attitude. It is about focal points, close-up and wide angle and everything in between. Change your perspective and you can change how you experience yourself in your world. It can be eye opening in so many ways! New perspectives only happen when you change your point of view.


Just a reminder that tonight at 7 PM PT is the time that Rochelle and I put aside to explore what it means to be human--its follies, foibles, and profundities. 

The more we step back and behold life from the point of view of our relationship-- what we call, "The Third Perspective", the more joy and understanding we derive--the result of which is greater personal liberation and a lot more laughter..