LaGrave Live
LIVE Midday Worship Service 10-13-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: The Death of Saul
We will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series, a series which focuses on the life of David. Pastor Jonker will preach on 1 Samuel 31:1-13 and 2 Samuel 1:17-27, two passages which describe the death of Saul.
Order of Worship:
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 10-13-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: The Death of Saul
We will continue our Imperfect Anointed sermon series, a series which focuses on the life of David. Pastor Jonker will preach on 1 Samuel 31:1-13 and 2 Samuel 1:17-27, two passages which describe the death of Saul.
Order of Worship:
LaGrave Live
LIVE Evening Worship Service 10-06-2024
Title: The Hardest Parable
Pastor Jonker will preach on Luke 16:1-9.
Order of Worship:
About Us:
We are a traditional CRC church in the middle of Downtown Grand Rapids, MI, worshipping at 8:40am, 11:00am, and 6:00pm. (10:00am and 6:00pm during the summer months)
#LaGrave #LaGraveCRC
LaGrave Live
LIVE Midday Worship Service 10-06-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: The Fool and the Furious
We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together. It is World Communion Sunday so we will join Christians around the world at the table of the Lord. Pastor Jonker will also continue our sermon series on David – The Imperfect Anointed. He will preach on 1 Samuel 25, the story of David and Abigail.
Order of Worship:
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 10-06-2024
Title: The Imperfect Anointed: The Fool and the Furious
We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together. It is World Communion Sunday so we will join Christians around the world at the table of the Lord. Pastor Jonker will also continue our sermon series on David – The Imperfect Anointed. He will preach on 1 Samuel 25, the story of David and Abigail.
Order of Worship:
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 9-15-2024
The Imperfect Anointed: David, Goliath, & the Living God
We continue our The Imperfect Anointed sermon series on the life of David. Pastor Jonker will preach on the David and Goliath story as found in 1 Samuel 17.
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 9-01-2024
Title: What are People For? What are People For?
We will answer the second question in our two-part series on essential questions: What are People for? Pastor Jonker will preach on Deuteronomy 6:1-9. We will also be privileged to witness the sacrament of baptism.
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 4-21-2024
Title: Jubilee and Jesus
This Sunday will be the fourth Sunday in Eastertide. Pastor Jonker will preach an Easter-themed sermon on Leviticus 25, the passage that talks about the year of Jubilee.