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Reincarnation – it’s one of the most talked about subjects in the realm of metaphysical-spirituality. many of us have seen ourselves, in other bodies, in other lifetimes.

We see these experiences as meaningful glimpses into the true nature of who we are as souls.  But is it really important to know who we have been in other lifetimes?  And could these pieces of the puzzle we call “past lives” actually be hindering our growth as souls in human form? 

Have you tried everything but still feel that there are blocks, obstacles or something that is preventing you from having the life you really want? It might be because you have made spiritual agreements, contracts, oaths, vows or you are dealing with Karma. It is possible to change things, now and it is easier than you think. Join Christina Winslow as she discusses with Lauren Skye, founder of Inner Connection Institute, different ways these spiritual agreements can prevent you from moving forward and what you can do about it.