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Title: Conclusion of Muslim Migration Pandemic

The enemy is within the USA, not across the globe

We take a closing look at the population shift and the future dire consequences.


Title: Population in Crisis: The Muslim Migration

Depopulation in Europe and America while population rates out pace more than double by Africa particularly by Muslim nations. 

Why are some countries rich while others are poor?

Title: Population Crisis: Migrant Menace

The lie that migrants boost the economy revealed

Title: Population Crisis and Agenda2030

A huge population shift could be dire 

Title: Depopulation Crisis

Dire consequences of population flux 

Low sperm counts, sugar in the diet, what's the plan? 


Alexandra Meadors and Gonzalo Serrano have an intimate conversation regarding what it really means to be a male Guardian from his unique and venerable perspective. He shares how he personally identified with having the traits of a Guardian namely impeccable integrity, a strong sense of fairness, a deeply compassionate spirit and the passionate necessity to stand up for justice and equality. This power is reminiscent of the days of old and the valiant Knights Templar!

Alexandra Meadors and Matthew Hurtado discuss a major breakthrough and victory of the Light! They briefly highlight the latest updates in all of the Holistic Doctors who have been targeted and the 70 murdered as well as the Nagalase Conspiracy! If you are not familiar with the microbiologists and 33 Holistic Doctors who have been murdered since 2015, please see the following links for your reference: