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911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

Achilles’ heels and silver bullets that annihilate the official 9/11 story

This week on 9/11 Free Fall, Ted Walter and Andy Steele get together to discuss certain aspects of the controlled demolition evidence that often get overlooked but are fatal to the official explanation of the World Trade Center’s destruction.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

One Step Closer to Truth

This week on 9/11 Free Fall, Matt Campbell — whose brother Geoff died in the North Tower on 9/11 — and Geoff’s longtime friend Henry Young join host Andy Steele on a momentous day for the Campbell family, who hours earlier submitted a historic application to the UK attorney general seeking a new inquest into Geoff’s death nearly 20 years ago.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Andy Steele on "Born on 9/11"

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, guest host Craig McKee interview AE911Truth operations manager Andy Steele about his new graphic novel, "Born on 9/11," which tells the story of a young man who was born on September 11, 2001, whose firefighter father died in the North Tower the same day, and who eighteen years later wakes up to the World Trade Center evidence and launches a crusade to expose the truth about what really happened at Ground Zero.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Topic: Bill Brinnier on 9/11, Twenty Years Later

Host Andy Steele invites New York architect Bill Brinnier to reminisce about his best friend, World Trade Center construction manager Frank De Martini, who died in the North Tower on 9/11/01. They also talk about how 9/11 Truth is perceived by the world as its 20th anniversary approaches.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Topic: Bill Brinnier on 9/11, Twenty Years Later

Host Andy Steele invites New York architect Bill Brinnier to reminisce about his best friend, World Trade Center construction manager Frank De Martini, who died in the North Tower on 9/11/01. They also talk about how 9/11 Truth is perceived by the world as its 20th anniversary approaches.