SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters and guest Dr. Amandha Vollmer, The Yummy Doctor
Special Guest Amandha Vollmer Canadian Homeopath with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology discusses germ versus terrain theory, and the cause of disease. Viruses, wellness, and the cause of cancer. This is a show you don't want to miss!
The Holistic Health Show with Dr. Carl O Helvie
Dr. Lise Alschuler is a naturopathic doctor with board certification in naturopathic oncology. She graduated from Brown University with an undergraduate degree in Medical Anthropology and received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in 1994.
Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.
Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.
Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.
Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.
Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.
Dr. Jennifer Burns, MND - I started my battle with IBS about 20 years ago. At first I noticed that the symptoms would come up only when I was stressed, but then my symptoms got worse to the point that I was having to look for the bathroom where ever I went. It was always the first thing I looked for whenever I walked into any building. I even had colon spasms that lasted for 6 hours or more. I tried all sorts or prescriptions and I jumped from one doctor to the next. Nothing was working for me.