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Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

What is the relationship between Brix, Minerals and Pests and Diseases? The soil. It all comes down to the soil. To be exact “Topsoil.” The function of the topsoil is to provide for the necessary nutritional requirements of all live things, from plants, trees, etc. to animals to insects to humans, even to sea life. The topsoil is like our skin. Damage our skin, and we will not live for long. Damage the topsoil, and we will not live for long. It is as simple as that. Join us!

COMPOST TEA - WHAT IS IT AND HOW DO I USE IT? Compost tea is one of the best tools that an organic gardener can make to control both pests and diseases. Why? Because it is one of the most effective ways of providing minerals and nutrients to the plant as they absorb it immediately into their system through their leaves (just like humans do through their skin). Join us to find out how to make it and use it!

Brix - what is it and what does it do? What is a refractometer? Why should you care? I'll tackle all these questions this week and more!

Learn how different foods, antioxidants and other important nutrients play an essential role in the health of your eyes and vision. Discover which vitamins, minerals and other combination of nutrients have been shown to assist vision and protect your eyes from sight-robbing conditions and diseases.

Alexandra Meadors meets up again with Matthew Hurtado to discuss all sorts of things regarding health, including the sudden death of 10 doctors across the United States who all may have been associated somehow with the breakthrough discovery of GcMAF. Matthew discusses his experience as a store owner and entrepreneur within the natural supplement industry, and what sorts of products are being sold on the shelves.