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Holding Conflicting Viewpoints ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Recently I read an account discussing the issues of #blacklivesmatter.  Specifically, Michael Brown's killing in Ferguson, MO and Eric Garner in Staten Island, NY, both by police.  It was by someone trying to remain neutral.  The author was a conservative trying to have a balanced viewpoint but ended up lessening the accusations of police brutality by glossing over facts in both cases, wanting to typify them as resisting arrest (which actually neither were).

PAMELA MEANES - President of the National Bar Association addresses the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.  Ms Brown explains her organization's stance on the matter, the attempt to change laws regarding police misconduct, and the general situation regarding police violence and conduct throughout America.

Leadership is an outgrowth that comes from a principled person, who is usually appreciated publicly by the very same people that have come to embrace his new morality of their country, which, in turn, makes them feel good about who it is that leads them.  Politicians come and go but good leaders, as well as bad, seem to come along in the most pointed and interesting periods of time, but regardless of the issues that surround, people always like to rally behind the leader with a message, a plan, and an outcome of hope.  Simplicity in a leader and sincerity in his message will carry