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Commanding or Demanding your Light?  The difference is miraculous!

The day to day reality of navigating density can distract us! Even the most "awake" can become blindsided by daily struggles.  AND...the Power of your Light is ever present!  The Metronian Star is OPEN and spinning! The energy of LIGHT IS has blossomed and asks:  Are you ready to open your heart and claim your Ascended Mastery?

Feeling the spin? The final OPENING of the Fifth Point of the Metronian Star is NOW as Mercury is FULL ON with the Retrograde experience you will be talking about all year!

HUGE momentum is pouring forth to support you ...IF you embrace the truth of the light that you are!  Tune in as Sri & Kira share how you can FEARLESSLY walk as the divine master in form to live your most incredible life.  Are you ready?

FLOURISH Through FEAR as you Gather Your Resources!

RIDING the Escalator of Ascension for 2016 and Beyond!

Namaste loved ones! January 2016 opens the Metronian Star Globally!

IN THIS MOMENT, the Metronian golden energy has already begun to embrace our planet.   This extraordinary event invites ALL OF HUMANITY into the immediate awareness of
light or dark, good or evil, judge or judge not!

January 2016 is the MONTH TO GATHER SUPPORT!
This support is for all aspects of your life and all areas of your journey.
It is the time to harness your resources, re-evaluate your choices and to discover the depth of your spiritual tenacity through peace, love and joy!

How to Harness the True Power of Energetic Support through Sacred Placement and Spiritual Practice