ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst
My guest was Robert Potter. Robert about himself: "A father a brother a patriot a citizen of the universe and son" you can mention I have been involved in the ufo movement for over 45 years and have had many personal friends who are physical contactees. I have also had many close and personal encounters with ufos and I have met several space brothers and sisters through the years though they remain incognito. I have a unique view on the spiritual message of extra teresstrials and the earths ancient history and cosmic destiny."
ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst
This weeks guest was Matthew Reifslager. Here is some feedback I received from the audience: Hey Maarten, Here are a couple of responses so far: "That was so sweet, so beautiful in its personal nature.." "This was a beautiful interview. So delightful hearing the purity of the questions and the purity of the responses. Really moving having the opportunity to listen to the Divine work through these beautiful souls for the goodness of all." "Superb indeed!"