Unstoppable Love with Lauren and Friends
Joined by Guests, Lucia Nicola Evans, a Way Shower, Transformational Coach and Guide for Women and Marjie Barbier, a Certified Massage Therapist and Surf Instructor
Topic: Spirituality and the magic of Retreats, their connections to love, healing and more.
For information on the retreat and our guests check it all out below:
Here is a direct link for their retreat: https://lucianicolaevans.com/retreats
Sister surf website to read more about their retreats:
Whiplash Talk with Sunshine
With Guests, Lucia Nicola Evans and Marjie Barbier
Discussing Life, Retreats, Spirituality and much more!
The Awakening Wave Show with Host Robin Lee
"Retreat Magic" with Lucia Nicola Evans and Marjie Barbier
Discussing all things life, Current energies, Q and the magic of retreats!
Unstoppable Love with Lauren and Friends
Guest, Lucia Nicola Evans, Spirit of Love specializing creating sacred spaces and bringing healing
Topic: The Relationship we have with ourselves, is the most important.
Website: Lucia Nicola Evans - Transformational Coach, Self-Love, Awakening