Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Title: A Candle in the Darkness
The requirement for life itself by God is that we must each hold our part of the light, or it will quickly be taken by the darkness. It has never been more necessary to be vigilant in our choice between the light and the dark forces.
Join us on this beautiful Easter Sunday for another great Angel Talk Radio Show. Sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing.
Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Title: Praise
Over time many of us have forgotten the importance of praise to God for everything we have, we do, and all the prayers for the things we need. Praise needs to be recognized as the first process in all manifestation.
Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Title: Prayers, Miracles and Mysteries
How do all three of these connect and why are they important in manifesting God's blessings?
Join us on Angel Talk, sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing, and learn how you can bring these into your life each day.