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Candidates Platform with Kathleen Gomez and Diego Vlasic

Candidates Platform with Kathleen Gomez and Diego Vlasic

Politics, voting and educating voters!

Many of you remember my long time good friend and prior fiery co-host Kathleen Gomez! For those who don't know her - Kathleen and I started this radio show at BBS several years ago to advocate for DC Statehood! We are glad to have her back on and learn what she's up to!  Currently, she is CEO/Founder of a new project called 'Candidates Platform' which provides a virtual 24/7 political platform that is affordable and easy to use for all candidates and free to the voter.

Today marks 15 years since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Join us as we honor the victims and heroes on this very special day of remembrance. Kathleen Gomez will join us as she was living in New York during the event.

We welcome back guest Kathleen Gomez to continue talking about the Presidential Election and other current events!

Guest Kathleen Gomez joins us this week on  'SHADOW POLITICS'! Freshly back from the 2016 Democratic National Convention this past week in Philly, Kathleen and I will be giving you an analysis and recap of all that happened as we saw it unfold! Did it give America new hope with the 'Stronger Together' message of Hilary Clinton or was it just campaign rhetoric as usual? What are your thoughts? Call in number TOLL FREE is 888-627-6008!

Join myself, Maria and Kathleen Gomez as we celebrate MOTHER’S DAY worldwide and talk politics! We’ll look at the latest developments on the race to the White House from a Democratic, Republican and Independent (Kathleen’s) perspective. Will the Republicans attempt to block Trump's nomination at the convention? How serious a threat is Bernie to Hilary's nomination? Stay tuned!

Today we welcome my co-host, Maria Sanchez, back to the show and we'll be inviting Kathleen Gomez on for another round of talking about political affairs, the presidential race, immigration, guns, and the State of the Union speech. Never a dull moment with Kathleen!

Friend and prior co-host to the show, Kathleen Gomez joins Senator Brown to further their discussion of what's going on in the world of politics today!

Shadow Politics welcomes back a very special guest, Kathleen Gomez, who was the prior co-host on Shadow Politics. We will be catching up on what is going on in her current life away from the radio show! We have missed her!

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael Brown & Kathleen Gomez

Interview with Anise Jenkins