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Relationship Help Show with Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Guest, Karen Covy

Divorcing A Hijackal® When Children Are Involved
Karen Covy, divorce adviser, attorney, coach. Effective Co-Parenting with A Difficult Ex - Part 1

Karen Covy: Effective Divorce Agreements for Co-Parenting, Part 2

What You Need To Do For Your Kids When Co-Parenting With A Hijackal® Ex 
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Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler

Guest, Karen Covy -  is a divorce attorney, advisor, mediator and coach who is committed to helping couples resolve their disputes as amicably as possible. She is the author of When Happily Ever After Ends: How to Survive Your Divorce Emotionally, Financially, and Legally.  Karen is also a collaborative divorce lawyer, an arbitrator and a former adjunct law professor.