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Title: From Minnesota to Muslimsota. Multiculturalism Strikes Again

Minnesota is devolving into a Somalian hell hole. Startling events from crapping in pools to threatening rape, Minnesota is turning into Muslimsota 

The Truth Zone: London Terror: Turn Around is Fair Play

Van runs over Ramadan worshipers London Mayor says horrific terrorism. Shouldn't we not rush to judgment Are we sure what the motive was? Russia/USA tensions rise over Syrian shoot down.

title: The Truth Zone, A deterrent to Islamic Terrorism


Eastern Europe’s approach to islam; Civil War no, Insurrection Yes

Poland and Hungary have legitimate governments protecting their citizens and their approaches are successful. Russian Probe widens to Obstruction of Justice. Martial Law or Surrender? 

Is Robert Mueller part of Deep State?

Islam, terror, Trump, FBI, Saudi Arabia, Mueller, European Union

Impromptu 1 hour rant. Will you pick up your cross or will you meld into the world?

The Truth about Islam. The Truth about Trump Administration on Illegal Immigration. The Truth about the Unemployment Rate.
Can you handle the Truth Zone?

Comey has to be arrested and tried for many crimes. Comey up to his neck in Clintons.

A family cannot even go for ice cream in Iraq without becoming a victim to islamic jihad

More disgusting killing by the Religion of Satan, islam. Innocent girls killed at a concert. So, are we the people supposed to accept the fact that at any time we can be blown up just for living our lives? 

Day 5 and conclusion on the Trial of Islam. A special witness for the prosecution will be called.

Islam is the religion of Satan. A demon not Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed.