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Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about Authentic Emotions. What to do when our inner emotions don't match our external projections. How to maintain a sense of well being when you don't feel a sense of well being. How does dropping into Heart Space facilitate our communication as Consciousness with our body/personality?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Emotions! As Consciousness, we exist as Joy and Love. Our bodies feel many more emotions than that! Emotions direct and color our life experiences. As children we fully feel and enjoy our emotions, but as adults - not so much. Our body communicates to us as Consciousness with emotions, we need to allow our body its full vocabulary and listen to what it's asking from us!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Doing vs. Being.  Doing can often engage the energy of effort, which blocks Consciousness. When we stop and focus on Being, often things happen with us not having to do anything!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about How Intentional Awareness creates Transcendent Transformations.  How to respond rather than react when life is happening to you! How to set things in motion when you want to manifest a specific outcome. 

New Beginnings

Today on ConsciousConversations, Joan and Janet talk about New Beginnings. Life brings major redirections and yet every moment is an opportunity for a 'do over', as well. How to embrace change, step into new realities, and look at life from the bigger picture within the field of UnifedConsciousness.