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Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol and Rochelle Strider

"Getta outta here."  "That's gonna be your topic?" Why does that deserve to be a topic?"

"Ok.  For starters, it's chuck full of possibilities to find new meanings and to re-frame the old ones."

In this week's episode of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" we'll be focusing on the issue of making mistakes and being wrong.  It's called "The Upside of Being Wrong"  We'd love to include your story (anonymously, of course)--how being wrong or making a mistake was illuminating, surprising, life changing, funny, dramatic, profound, etc.  Send your story to me asap as we'll be recording the show tonight at 9 PM (PDT).

Insight Out...the Naked Truth

Title: Delusion

At last Tuesday's episode of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" we focused on "The Within"  We shared a story that I wrote many years ago based on the image/metaphor of a Geod.  The story is called, "The Doegs" and is about a "craggy bunch of creatures who are afraid to look within, until they are forced to with surprising results.

I also shared a poem I wrote called, "The Within"  Here are a few lines from the poem, but if you click on this program you'll hear the the whole poem with music along with some wonderful songs and our usual banter.

How powerful and important are our feelings? Beginning with his original poem, "Feelings, the Language of Relationship," Rochelle and Errol probe this all important (and sometimes all-consuming) human expression.  The program also features the poem "Hope" put to music.--a very haunting and rich journey into the loss of hope and its "resurrection."  Listen to this show and expereince the Striders' usual blend of thoughtful conversation, some amazing music and, of course, the Striders' unique brand of whimzy and comical perspectives.