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Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Topic: This week Christine Marie and Julie discuss memory and imagination, a movie review of Hidden Figures, and a Lyme Disease and Total Eclipse of the Sun update.

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Topic: Never judge a dog by its collar, a review of Moonlight, climate change and permafrost, and how to use your imagination for change-all this and more in this episode of Life with The Girlfriends.

"Imagine That" is our featured phrase of the week.  This is a program that we did in May of 2015, but it's been  edited it so you can hear the juiciest, fumiest and most insightful parts of that show.

We focus on "Imagination," what it's capable of and how to focus it to make life more livable and enjoyable.

Today, on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about the New Language of Consciousness. Many of us don't have the words to describe what is happening as we go through this collective identity shift.  As we view and experience the world as Consciousness, we are all becoming more psychic, intuitive, sensitive. We need to upgrade our definitions of growth and change.  It is all about centering and accessing information from within. Join Joan and Janet as they explore ways to redefine our own senses of self!

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, Joan and Janet talk about time and space and imagination! What if your imagination was really information in alternate realities waiting to be brought into your current one? What if it is only information separated by a different sensory mechanism? What if our language limits access to what is always within the field of the heart?  "Time and Space are not linear, they bend and distort in the presence of matter and energy" ~ Neil DeGrass Tyson

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis and Danielle Lynn

Debut Episode on BBS Radio

Robert Moss describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, journalist and independent scholar.