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911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

Grand Jury, FBI Lawsuits Enter New Phase: An Interview with Mick Harrison and John O’Kelly

Host Andy Steele is joined by Mick Harrison and John O’Kelly of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss the latest developments concerning the petition for a federal grand jury investigation first filed by the Lawyers’ Committee in April 2018 as well as the FBI 9/11 Review Commission lawsuit filed last March.

Citizen Arrests launched by Common Law Grand Jury:

Roman Catholic Church and suspected child abusers will be targeted

Brussels (24/01/2017)

Alexandra Meadors and Laura Legere discuss Laura’s involvement with the National Liberty Alliance and the Common Law Grand Juries, which essentially are the Fourth Level of Government that sits at the top of the Grand Juries. They also put out a call for volunteers who want to assist by contacting them via