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Topic: How to Stop Self-Sabotage through NLP & Parts

-Have you ever said, “Part of me wants to do something, 

  but part of me doesn’t”? 

-Have you ever promised yourself thing like “I am definitely 

  going to start my diet, or change careers, or stop 

  procrastinating,” but then you didn’t do it?.  

Self-sabotage is something we hear from our clients often. We want to help make sure you don’t give up on your due to unconscious self-sabotaging patterns

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

Topic: “Kickstart” Season# 2, Episode# 2.  Values, Goals & Visions 2021

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

Topic: “Kickstart” Season# 2, Episode# 1.  Values, Goals & Visions 2021

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: Interference

What's in the way of you realizing your plans or goals?

Ataana Healing Method,  distortion, relationship, repetitive pattern, energy work, energy healing, Sacred Inner Dialogue,  stress, DNA blueprint

This week Dr. Miller provides a model for creating the New Urban Positive Youth Development Public High School that will serve a larger purpose. He will outline and explain the schools' vision, mission, goals, curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher education and training. This is a model where students and teachers are natural researchers. This is a must-listen  for all of our listeners who want to create a new future for our schools, our teachers, our parents and our communities via the Positive Youth Development Model Movement.

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Joel Fotinos

Discussing “My Life Contract”