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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Communism, Are You Ready To Be A Slave?

The real reasons for Biden-Harris open borders madness, stealing the 2024 Election, enslaving America with communism/globalism 

#Cackling Communist Kamala Harris
#Minnesota Marxist Tim Walz
#Communist Puppet Joe Biden
#Donald Trump
#2024 Election
#2020 Election
#2022 Election
#Election Fraud
#Election Integrity
The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

2020 Election Most Free And Fair In History, Or Rigged And Stolen?

How much will they cheat in 2024? How much will they get away with?

#Presidential Debate
#Donald Trump
#Kamala Harris
#Joe Biden
#2020 Election
#Election Fraud
#Deep State
#Biased Polls

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Why have Republican leaders given up on election crimes?

Unless Election/Vote Fraud Issues Are Resolved 2024 Will Be Another Deep State/Globalist/CCP Victory

#Joe Biden #Cocaine Commander In Chief #Joe Blow #Biden Crime Family #Cultural Marxism #Globalism #WEF #UN #Communist China #CCP #Election Fraud #Vote Fraud #Border Invasion

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Weakness of the Biden Administration. Ukraine's Importance to the West. Will China See Green Light to Invade Taiwan?

Subtitle: The 2020 coup that installed Biden as president has led to the horrific tragedy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. China's support of Russia and intent to invade Taiwan

Tags: communism, globalism, oligarchs, election fraud, election integrity, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Ukraine, Russia, China, Ukraine Invasion

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Why is there so much opposition to exposing election and voter fraud in the 2020 elections?

Subtitle: The plot to remove Donald Trump appears to have involved elements of US intelligence community and other parts of our government and society, as well as communist China and other foreign governments

Tags: Election Integrity, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, RINOs, Communism, CCP, Globalism

Title: Multiculturalism is Societal Suicide


Open Borders equals societal suicide. Conquest by division.


Do we have a duty to be informed and resist?


Shocking truths behind elitists pushing global warming and the truth about "refugees" flooding Europe. Isn't it time we the people push back?

Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Summit because Global Warming is a complete hoax to keep us poor and in the dark while the global elites reap the benefits. 

Who is George P Bush?