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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Laura Eisenhower, an internationally acclaimed Researcher, Author, and Medical and Intuitive Astrologer, known for her groundbreaking work in Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. How we exit the matrix. Awakening the Truth Frequency.

This is the first eye-opening interview of an ongoing series that Alexandra will be conducting with Liahra. Liahra may be unknown to many in the GC community - but not for long. This is a riveting, mind-bending journey - an hour that passes fast but takes one to astonishing dimensional heights and historical depths. It may trigger memories as it passes into uncharted territory.

Alexandra Meadors and Bibi Tinsley continue their in-depth conversation from Part 1 about Alexandra's background, and the profound wisdom and knowledge she holds. In Part 2, Alexandra is again interviewed by Bibi, and Alexandra reveals more about the history of the Mission she is on. What is a Guardian? Where do the Guardians fit in regarding the bigger picture? Who and what is the Guardian Aliiance? The two women proceed to delve deeper into the aspects of what is happening in regard to the message that "Now Is The Time!"

Alexandra Meadors finds herself on the other side of the microphone in this interview! Alexandra has a stellar record of amazing interviews under her belt; however, she is usually always asking questions about her interviewee. Bibi Tinsley has been just as curious as so many others about Alexandra's background, and the profound wisdom and knowledge she holds. In this conversation, Alexandra is interviewed by Bibi, and the two get down to the fundamentals of Alexandra the person, and the history of the Mission she is on. What is a Guardian?

Guest ANDREW BARTZIS filmed a series of 20 videos at Mt. Shasta, reading our Galactic History directly from the Akashic records.  I was there to interview him during this time on the day of the Summer Solstice and "Super Full Moon" which followed. There are 20 half-hour videos.

I personally transcribed all 20 videos, adding hyperlinks, pictures and commentary. The 21st transcript is 11 pages of my own personal bio and commentary on the series and of the times we're in now. If you haven't seen the videos,or read the transcripts, you're in for a treat.