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By Cynthia McIntosh

Success With McIntosh

Do you find yourself often looking back to the "good old days"?  Where do you spend most or your time - in your past, in your present, or in your future?

Well, today let's take a trip down memory lane and look into the past, to when you were the happiest.  Spend some time reviewing those memories, and answer the following questions.  Take some time, and really journal...don't just breeze through them.  I think if you take your time on this, it will be rather enlightening.

Life Changing Decisions

You need courage for change and the bigger the change, the more courage you will need. Tonight, let's talk about increasing your courage in order for you to make those big decisions for the change you desire.

Taking Racial Responsibility

My guest Dixon D. White wants to educate white people racially so they can take responsibility, a racial responsibility, towards ending racism in America. Listen to a candid conversation from a former racist, born in the South speak about race and why it needs to end. Mr. White wants to create a movement in this country towards healing its history. He is challenging people to talk about their experience honestly and to post it on YouTube so we all can heal - The Dixon Challenge.

Developing Your Own Formula for Success

This show will help you to understand why you are not succeeding and manifesting your desires. I will help you to begin your own personal journey to the life you are destined to have.

Who or what has your Self-Worth?

Who or what is influencing your life? Let's discuss the levels of influences keeping your self-worth down and how to begin increasing it for you on today's show.

What would you do with 10 Million dollars?

Expanding your awareness of purpose, money, and happiness.

UnBurdening Yourself

The importance of releasing stuck energy in your life. If your life isn't Flowing, Fluid, and runs Free like a river, you are burdened with life's challenges. Let's begin releasing what's keeping you stuck.


What is your Vision for your life?

Do you remember it? Are you living it? Are you satisfy with your life? Tonight I will remind you of that vision. Explain truths about your vision and why your vision board isn't working.

Distractions in Our Lives and Why We Distract

Tonight's show highlights the many things we do that keep us complacent and unproductive in our lives. We are not on our soul's path for many reasons and distractions in today's society plays a key role in us being off track to our greatness.

Finding Solutions to Today's Problems with Kadian Grant

How can we use our minds, skills, creativity, and engage our hearts to find solutions to today's problems.