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Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  Free Readings 

In today's Episode Adena Dedicated the Show to A new Foundation Called Kardboard house 

it is a catalyst for growth and healing for those living with a loved one's substance abuse disorder. They identify the unmet needs of family members, partners and friends. they give symposiums, Educational Seminars, and Strategic Training.

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick on Oct 2nd 2017. This show was the first show in 5 weeks where Adena was able to answer your mailed in free questions. The first few minutes Adena Discussed what all of the recent past guests, although very different, had in common, and how they all added a piece to the puzzle of our lives. Adena reiterated that this had been her reason for starting Meta Mondays: so that no matter who you are where you are, or how you feel about your life, you can start right here,  to use any of our guests classes, views, books etc....

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick -  In this show Adena talks of her private memories of 9/11 , being a New Yorker, and how far the events of that day reached for her in her family. Afterward she did some free readings. 

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick   On this episode Adena discusses omens in our everyday life. Dream symbols, and how some are universal, and some highly personal. She discusses her own personal struggle and journey through near death and how we cannot possibly know that today's pain will one day help someone else's life.  Adena also answers 7 free questions sent by email. 

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  In this episode Adena discussed astrology, Martin Schulman, some of her early life and long term friendship with "Karen" , upcoming show's and free readings.  

The Sixth Sense with Tara Ventura and guests, Karen Decker and Robin Landry