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911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Title: ‘I do it for Frank’: Bill Brinnier on appearing in ‘The Unspeakable’ and Spike Lee's ‘NYC Epicenters’

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Topic: Bill Brinnier on 9/11, Twenty Years Later

Host Andy Steele invites New York architect Bill Brinnier to reminisce about his best friend, World Trade Center construction manager Frank De Martini, who died in the North Tower on 9/11/01. They also talk about how 9/11 Truth is perceived by the world as its 20th anniversary approaches.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Topic: Bill Brinnier on 9/11, Twenty Years Later

Host Andy Steele invites New York architect Bill Brinnier to reminisce about his best friend, World Trade Center construction manager Frank De Martini, who died in the North Tower on 9/11/01. They also talk about how 9/11 Truth is perceived by the world as its 20th anniversary approaches.