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Eric Altman, spiritual heal from Portland, Oregon, is an awakened spiritual teacher committed to assist in the awakening of each person.  Eric works internationally offering a system of energy healing transmissions he developed and coined Heart Field Healing.  Effective both in person and at a distance.  Eric has a gift of transmitting optimal energy to others.  This Source energy has an intelligence of its own and results in profound physical, emotional and spiritual transformation.  Eric's transmissions promote presence, inner freedom, wellness, creativity and sel

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Oct 22, 2012 — Eric Altman, founder of Living Peace International, is a spiritual teacher of the modern day who believes one of the biggest myths of all times is that spiritual evolution is difficult.  Eric teaches a clear, simple and dynamic path to awakening free of dogma and full of play.  He supports those he works with in taking responsibility to live from a place of deep aliveness, curiosity and integrity, where each day is an opportunity to radically enjoy being who you are.