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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Fate of the Nation Hangs in the Balance with Upcoming Midterm, 2024 Elections

US government gave hundreds of thousands to CCP-linked tech firm that allegedly stored data on 1.8  million US election workers in China; Biden brags he could beat Trump again in 2024

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Biden Anti-MAGA Speech Indicative of Communist Ideology Playbook; What They Say Is Opposite of What They Mean

The Propaganda of Joe Biden and his communist, oligarch and globalist masters means: lies are truth, hate is love, down is up, stupidity and madness are common sense

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Biden Says MAGA Republicans Are A Threat To The Nation; Alex Jones Predicts False Flag Terror Attacks

Biden's speech saying MAGA Republicans are a threat to the country is another example of the war he and his controllers have declared against America in their plot to destroy and radically transform it into a slave state of world government

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Shows Desperation of Our Corrupt Establishment to Destroy Trump and MAGA

How much longer will America keep funding and thus propping up the totalitarian CCP?