Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure, with Executive Producer Dorothy
Featuring Interview Guest, Dani Katz, Bestselling Author, Educator, and Languaging Expert; and Performance Guest, Kid Beyond, Singer, Songwriter, Buddhist Teacher, on The Life Changes Show, Episode 823
Interview Guest: DANI KATZ; and Performance Guest: KID BEYOND
Don't Forget to check out Dani Katz book, "Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change"
A short description of "Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change."
Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure, with Executive Producer Dorothy
Guests, Erik Cutter, Urban Regenerative Farmer, Director of Alegría Fresh and, Vito DiSalvo, Composer, Arranger,
Featuring Interview Guest, Erik Cutter, Visionary Urban Regenerative Farmer, Managing Director of Alegría Fresh, and Executive Producer of the Documentary Film, “Farmacy of Light;” and Performance Guest, Vito DiSalvo, Composer, Arranger, Performer, Producer, and Educator, on The Life Changes Show, Episode 819
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown
Fly Me to the Moon - With Guest Astronaut, Educator and Consultant – Eileen M. Collins
Our guest is Astronaut, Educator and Consultant – Eileen M. Collins! I'm so excited to interview a female astronaut who has paved the way for those who have come after her. We'll talk about the struggles she encountered on her journey to outer space, the privatization of space travel, the future of NASA and our exploration of the universe. Where do we go from here in our continued effort to have our reach exceed our grasp?