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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Show Title:  Does what you Eat Affect your Soul?

Description: A powerful show where Sri & Kira boldly explore the many charged opinions about vegetarianism!  There seems to be a limitless amount of perspectives on this hot topic; and this show will explore why these perspectives are ALL valid. 

Discover how to align with the point of view that is right for you.  Do you really have to be a vegetarian to Ascend and what if your not? 

In today's fast paced society It's easy to let our health go. We find ourselves eating things that we know aren't good for us, made with ingredients we can't even pronounce! Is it any wonder America is in the middle of an health crisis, from type II diabetes's, to hyper-tension and obesity? Join me today with my special guest, Dr. Thomas Brewer Ph.D. he is a Chemist who specializes in nutritional blood microscopy. His greatest gift is his unique ability to present complex information in a simple manner. Dr.

If you are settling for the symptoms of premature aging, fatigue, lacking a feeling of well-being, then join me today as my guest Chef Keidi shares his wisdom and knowledge on the importance of the food we eat, how we prepare it and how it can heal us! It's time to consider a New Life Paradigm.” You are what you eat.