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Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. for Part 2 in our series 'Freedom Schools Today - Freedom Schools Tomorrow'. Dr. Miller will continue to give us all a sweeping view of just what Freedom Schools are and how they helped to liberate people from oppression using the tool of popular education. Today, more than ever, we need these schools - whether they be in traditional school buildings or in someone's living room.

The classroom is the place where students as young adults begin to think.  Let’s not compromise the only hope they have to find truth and balance in everything they experience in life.  Everyone puts their own spin on everything; lets find a good enough reason to put limits on our egos and ambitions to smother individuality and wrought it into the image of ourselves.  The proverb for this evening’s show by Victor Hugo: “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”

TO BE CONTINUED: Part 2 of our series Bias in the Classroom will conclude with other stories from the classroom and insights shared between professors regarding our decisions of how to teach students. Stay with us and participate your view on some of these problems, as we look forward to another hour of contention with those who wish to disagree. See you then! Jorge.