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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Real Official Investigations(s) Needed For Reports CIA Supercomputer Being Used To Throw Elections For Dems

Trump: We have a two-tiered justice system in the US. One for radical left and one for the rest of us

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Biden Anti-MAGA Speech Indicative of Communist Ideology Playbook; What They Say Is Opposite of What They Mean

The Propaganda of Joe Biden and his communist, oligarch and globalist masters means: lies are truth, hate is love, down is up, stupidity and madness are common sense

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Former AG's Claim Election Fraud is 'Bull Shit' Trumpeted at partisan Jan. 6 Committee Hearing; Meanwhile Evidence Continues To Mount About Massive Election Fraud; WEF Still Wants You to 'Own Nothing' and "Be Happy'