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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Nick Pope, one of the world’s leading experts on UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories. Investigating reports of UFO sightings. How First, Undeniable Open Alien Contact will Profoundly Affect all our Lives.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

Craig McKee: Propaganda follows a single script

Writer Craig McKee joins host Andy Steele to review his newly published feature story, "Hundreds of articles dismissing ‘conspiracy theories’ read like they follow a single script," in which he points out the startling similarities seen in all mainstream media hit pieces that pretend to refute the truth about 9/11.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Cognitive Infiltration

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele talks about cointelpro, particularly Cass Sunstein's proposed plan to undermine and break up the 9/11 Truth Movement and other so-called "anti-government conspiracy groups" by employing the strategy of cognitive infiltration.

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Topic: This week Christine Marie and Julie talk conspiracy theories, the Mandela Effect, spring cleaning, and how forgiveness trumps love.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Det David and Dr Lana Love speak with Mark Sargent about his controversial and intriguing Flat Earth theory.

The People Speak banner

The People Speak with Steve Johnston and guest James Fetzer!