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Our guest is Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.). Please join us as we discuss the new energy around DC statehood and the prospects for holding the first hearing in the House of Representatives in more than 25 years. We will talk about the historic House vote to make DC statehood a priority. Call in with your questions and be part of the conversation! 

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Our topics this week include the President's first speech to Congress, the economy and the new bill for D.C. Statehood called the  'Washington, DC Admission Act' introduced by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson to make Washington, DC the 51st state.  The bill is co-sponsored by all 116 Democrats. In the past, Congresswoman Norton has introduced DC statehood bills with each new Congress, previously known as the New Columbia Admission Act.