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911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Title: Civil and Structural Engineer Anil Jathwa

Host Andy Steele is joined by esteemed civil and structural engineer of 41 years Anil Jathwa, who discusses the WTC evidence from his perspective as a UK ex-patriot living in Vietnam, and why he signed the AE911Truth petition.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Engineer Roland Angle: The official 9/11 narrative cannot be allowed to stand

This week on 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele talks with civil engineer Roland Angle, who was recently appointed as AE911Truth’s new CEO. Angle shares his engineering background, his work on behalf of AE911Truth over the past five years, and his thoughts on the role of engineers in defeating the official narrative of 9/11.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Brining the WTC Evidence to the Deep South

Host Andy Steele is joined by AE911Truth Board Member and civil engineer Marshall Casey Pfeiffer to discuss his recent presentation to the Mississippi/Alabama Engineering Society about the World Trade Center 7 evidence.