Phipps Faith Family Freedom with Brother Andrew Phipps
Guest, Steve Keck, Five Talents Financial Group, WWII Memorial Day and what it stands for
The Celeste Stein Show with Celeste Stein
Guest, Merril Hoge, NFL Player
Title: Find A Way w/Merril Hoge
This episode of The X Show features leadership coach Ron Reich d
Brandon Barnum, CEO of, is talking about the power of refer
In a marriage it's difficult, even taboo to discuss what happens
Today we'll be discussing generational & familial trauma. How a cultural or religious background can cause conflict in the modern world, how it can affect you, and some strategies for how to cope with it.
Today we're discussing how the X and Y chromosome actually affect how we perceive and interact with the world with Dr. Stephen Furlich and his book "Sex Talk". Using research backed up by biological studies, we'll discuss how this affects us, and some pointers on men and woman might perceive the world differently than others.
Family Business with Tony Xu and special guest Oscar Galvan. An exploration of the dynamic of mixing business with familial relationships
Special Guest Yasmin Azad will be discussing how traditional muslim communities have reacted to modern societal trends, particularly as they pertain to women's rights, and the rise of islamic fundamentalism. She's written a memoir of her time growing up in 60s-70s Sri Lanka, called Stay, Daughter, available today on Amazon
Today Anthony Tooton will be going over his experiences struggling with PTSD as a survivor of male sexual assault. We'll discuss how sexual assault can affect people throughout their lives and how he struggles with it in his life.