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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Scott S. Powell

The corporate powers that be are flexing their woke muscles to judge and control all of us through their insane behavior score system… ESG.  Author Scott Powell explains the dangers.  

Plus, America First wins big in Arizona and believe it or not is making some headway in Colorado.

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider

Believe it or not, not only are we once again bringing you our live radio show tonight, but "Believe It Or Not" is the featured phrase of the week. What a coincidence!

There are so many "Believe it or Not" opportunities:

The earth is round (sort of)

We evolve over 13 billion years (and counting)

"Men and women are two distinct varieties of the same species living in close and intimate association--Urantia Book)

Donald Trump could actually be president of these United States......believe it or not.