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Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle and guest Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Paradigm Shifters presents Gabriel Cousens

This week on Paradigm Shifters:  

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters

Dr. Elliott Maynard's master paradigm, Future-Science Technology, sets forth the quantum-field science for the future: a new conscious operating system for humans and the environment. His 25 keys to personal and planetary evolution form a living tapestry which reveals how anyone can access the quantum field to enrich their lives and expand their consciousness.


Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Tonight on ‘Conscious Conversations’, we will talk about Self Talk and Consciousness - do you hear what you’re actually thinking? What is your inner conversation?   Our minds can take us out of making progress as Consciousness. Recognizing the difference between your habitual thoughts and your Essential Self.

Can We Measure Human Energy and Its Effects on Consciousness?  (Written by Dr. Sam Berne)

Namaste loved ones! January 2016 opens the Metronian Star Globally!

IN THIS MOMENT, the Metronian golden energy has already begun to embrace our planet.   This extraordinary event invites ALL OF HUMANITY into the immediate awareness of

light or dark, good or evil, judge or judge not!

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb

Interview with Mada Eliza Dalian

This production aired originally on April 25, 2015.

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb

Interview with Mada Eliza Dalian

Due to technical difficulties, Doug was unable to secure the connection with guest, Jay Weidner.  Doug, who started BBS Radio with his twin brother Don Newsom, was prepared to do an impromtu show with me, but we got Jay back on the line.  There is no script to follow, when you're beaming live from the real world!