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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta

Ep 397 Vaccine DNA Manipulation, Anunnaki, Double Helix, GOD Particle, Cellular Memory, & The 13 Chakras.

The Dragon Families


High Council of Agartha

The Moon and the Montauk Program

Declaration of Independence

Earth Grid

Heaven on Earth

Delay regarding the Financial

His perspective of the Pope

Federation vs. Galactic Federation of Light

The order in which it unfolds

Ascended masters


Density: third/fourth or higher?






Join Alexandra Meadors, Jerry Yusko, and James Hines round table discussion regarding the increased efforts of the dark forces and how they cunningly infuse themselves into our fields. Alexandra shares some of her personal experiences of the recent server take down and how this was imposed upon They discuss how the higher energies are impacting all of us through more intense encounters and psychic attack and how we can help ourselves transition through this shift.

Part 2 of this amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got it done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.

Alexandra Meadors and Will Berlinghof share an amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got 'er done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.

Finally an interview that many of you have been asking for! Jerry Yusko, an expert medical intuitive, and Alexandra Meadors, a master alchemist, review everything to do with implants, the types he encounters, where he finds them, where they come from, how they are related to cellular memory, and how they involve the soul and the DNA. This is such a great discussion that really brings forth so much clarity to why the implant removal series is such an important step in your evolution and ascension.